With the release of “Fissures”, we began to think more about the visual ideal of what we were doing with Kalte. There had always been an imagery that we associated with our music, but with our recent live experiences, particularly with Monsters in Your Head, we wanted to go even further and create a more fulsome vision for Kalte.
To start with, Deane made a video for “Fissures”, a dark and abstract collection of images that brought to mind the massive pressures and the arctic depths of the Hadopelagic Zone, and that went a long way to inform how listeners pictured the work on the “Fissures” album.
We also began to add a visual element to our live performances during the “Fissures” shows, using video and dramatic lighting to further convey our vision. You’ve already seen a short clip from our performance in March 2011, and that show and others that followed further developed our thoughts about new ways to present our music that would manifest themselves in our work very soon…
By the way, while we’re speaking about our clip from March 2011, we wanted to give a shout out to our friend Liisa who filmed the footage that we used to make that video. In addition to being one of the best writers we know, Liisa is also an awesome video director and we whole-heartedly encourage you to check out her very impressive collection of Goth Style videos.
For the entire month of October while we celebrate #10yearsofKalte, if you buy a copy of “The Lanthanide Series” through Bandcamp you can send us your email at info@kaltemusic.com and we’ll send you a free copy of our latest release, “Covalencies“!
Join us tomorrow and we’ll tell you more about where that took us…