Tag Archive: Fissures

Dearest Kaltenfriends;

We are very pleased to announce the release of our latest album “Fissures”, now available for free download from the Petcord netlabel. Join us as we explore the dark depths of the Hadopelagic Zone, music inspired by massive pressures and arctic depths, heavy sounds from unknown sources.

Download “Fissures” for free from Petcord on archive.org:
[pc0311-02] Kalte – Fissures


We are pleased to announce that our third release, “Fissures”, will be coming out March 15th on the Petcord netlabel. Featuring five new songs inspired by the mysteries of the Hadopelagic Zone, “Fissures” continues our study of cold sounds and deep isolation.

If you’d like to be updated with more information about “Fissures”, Kalte live shows, or any other news we feel you need to know about, please add us on Twitter or join our group on Facebook. We’ll make sure to keep you up to date with the necessary Kaltenews.

With warmest regards,


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